Web Service: EfakturaAtgService
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Web Service: EfakturaAtgService

Target Namespace:

Port EfakturaAtgPort Port typeSource code

Default style:
Transport protocol:
  1. addShipmentDetailSource code
  2. cancelShipmentDetailSource code
  3. cancelTransactionDetailSource code
  4. getAtgMandateDetailSource code
  5. getBlackListDetailSource code
  6. getEfakturaIdentifiersDetailSource code
  7. getShipmentsDetailSource code
  8. getShipmentStatusDetailSource code
  9. getTransactionStatusDetailSource code
  10. validateSecuritySignatureDetailSource code


    Port type EfakturaAtgPortTypeSource code

    1. addShipment
      Creates a shipment with transactions (eFaktura, AvtaleGiro or a combination). Possible validation error codes from operation: 3002 - Shipment id already exists 3003 - Transaction id already exists 3010 - ATG info is missing for an ATG transaction 3011 - eFaktua info is missing for an eFaktura transaction 3020 - KID is missing for an ATG transaction 3021 - ATG transaction is not document type INVOICE 3100 - Document type not implemented (currently only INVOICE is allowed) 3101 - AvtaleGiro transactions are not allowed
      Operation type:
      Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.
      SOAP action:
      addShipment (soap:body, use = literal)Source code
      addShipment type AddShipmentRequest
      Add a new shipment with transactions.
      Use getShipmentStatus or getTransactionStatus to check the status.
      • auditInformation type AuditInformationType
        Information used for auditing and logging messages. The service replies with
        the same messageIdentifier sent in.
        • messageIdentifier type messageIdentifierType - type string with restriction minLength(5) maxLength(50)
          A unique identifier for a request/response message pair used for logging
      • shipmentId type uuidType - type string with restriction maxLength(36) minLength(36) pattern([a-f0-9]{8}-([a-f0-9]{4}-){3}[a-f0-9]{12})
        A unique reference - UUID
      • issuer type organizationNumberType - type string with restriction maxLength(9) minLength(9) pattern([0-9]{9})
      • transactions type TransactionsType
        Allows up to a 1000 transactions per shipment.
        • transactions type TransactionType
          • transactionId type uuidType - type string with restriction maxLength(36) minLength(36) pattern([a-f0-9]{8}-([a-f0-9]{4}-){3}[a-f0-9]{12})
            A unique reference - UUID
          • paymentType type paymentType - type string with restriction - enum { 'EFAKTURA', 'EFAKTURA_AND_AVTALEGIRO', 'EFAKTURA_AND_EXTERNAL_AVTALEGIRO', 'AVTALEGIRO' }
          • documentType type documentType - type string with restriction - enum { 'INVOICE', 'CREDIT_NOTE', 'REMINDER', 'COLLECTION_NOTICE', 'DUNNING', 'PAYMENT_REQUEST', 'ENFORCEMENT_WARNING' }
          • kid - optional; type kidType - type string with restriction maxLength(25) minLength(2) pattern(\d*)
            Mandatory for ATGs, but not for eFaktruas
          • accountNumber type accountNumberType - type string with restriction length(11)
            The account number that the issuer will be credited.
            Must be a Norwegian account number with 11 digits
          • amount type simpleAmountType - type decimal with restriction fractionDigits(2) minInclusive(0.00)
            The amount represented as a positive number with two decimals.
          • dueDate type date
          • efakturaInfo - optional; type EfakturaType
            Must be added for eFakturas
            • A choice of one of the following elements:
              • efakturaIdentifier type eFakturaIdentifierType - type string with restriction maxLength(9) minLength(9) pattern([0-9]{9})
                The efakturaIdentifier of the receiver - the unique efaktura address for this receiver.
              • socialSecurityNumber type socialSecurityNumberType - type string with restriction maxLength(11) minLength(11) pattern([0-9]{11})
              • eFakturaReference type efakturaReferenceType - type string with restriction maxLength(32) minLength(1)
                The eFaktura reference of the receiver
            • minimumAmount - optional; type simpleAmountType - type decimal with restriction fractionDigits(2) minInclusive(0.00)
              The amount represented as a positive number with two decimals.
            • brandName type brandNameType - type string with restriction maxLength(40)
              Name that is shown to the receiver of the eFaktura
            • eFakturaUrl type eFakturaUrlType - type string with restriction maxLength(255) minLength(1)
              URL to where the eFaktura invoice is located
            • collectionNoticeNotification - optional; type CollectionNoticeNotification
              Forced notifications for collection notices. Only valid for collection notice.
              • email - optional; type emailType - type string with restriction minLength(5) maxLength(100) pattern([^@]+@[^\.]+\..+)
                A valid email address - used for alias.
              • mobilePhone - optional; type telephoneType - type string with restriction minLength(6) maxLength(16) pattern(\+\d+)
                A valid phone number - used for alias.
                Prefixed with country code (i.e. +4799999999).
          • atgInfo - optional; type AtgType
            Must be added for ATGs
            • atgNotification type boolean
            • atgNotificationText - optional; type atgNotificationTextType - type string with restriction maxLength(3360) minLength(0)
              Notification text for AvtaleGiro.
              Max length 3360, but should be divided in 80 character lines and maximum 42 lines.
            • atgAbbreviatedName - optional; type atgAbbreviatedNameType - type string with restriction maxLength(10) minLength(1)
              The field may be used to inform payer about the AvtaleGiro payment.
              The external reference will be transferred to payer’s statement and AvtaleGiro info.
              The external reference will override the set text on payer’s regular payment assignment.
            • atgExternalReference - optional; type atgExternalReferenceType - type string with restriction maxLength(25) minLength(1)
              The abbreviated name for the AvtaleGiro payer.
              The field should be filled in to make identification of any denied due payments easier.
      addShipmentResponse (soap:body, use = literal)Source code
      addShipmentResponse type AddShipmentResponse
      • messageIdentifier type messageIdentifierType - type string with restriction minLength(5) maxLength(50)
        A unique identifier for a request/response message pair used for logging
      • noOfTransactions type transactionsCountType - type int with restriction
      validationFault (soap:fault, use = literal)Source code
      validationFault type ValidationFault
      Indicates that the client has sent an invalid request.
      • errorCode type errorCodeType - type int with restriction minInclusive(3000) maxExclusive(3999)
      • messageIdentifier type messageIdentifierType - type string with restriction minLength(5) maxLength(50)
        A unique identifier for a request/response message pair used for logging
      serverFault (soap:fault, use = literal)Source code
      serverFault type ServerFault
      Indicates an internal server error.
      • messageIdentifier type messageIdentifierType - type string with restriction minLength(5) maxLength(50)
        A unique identifier for a request/response message pair used for logging
    2. cancelShipment
      Cancel a shipment. Possible validation error codes from operation: 3000 - Shipment not found
      Operation type:
      Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.
      SOAP action:
      cancelShipment (soap:body, use = literal)Source code
      cancelShipment type CancelShipmentRequest
      Cancel all transactions in shipment.
      • auditInformation type AuditInformationType
        Information used for auditing and logging messages. The service replies with
        the same messageIdentifier sent in.
        • messageIdentifier type messageIdentifierType - type string with restriction minLength(5) maxLength(50)
          A unique identifier for a request/response message pair used for logging
      • shipmentId type uuidType - type string with restriction maxLength(36) minLength(36) pattern([a-f0-9]{8}-([a-f0-9]{4}-){3}[a-f0-9]{12})
        A unique reference - UUID
      cancelShipmentResponse (soap:body, use = literal)Source code
      cancelShipmentResponse type CancelShipmentResponse
      • messageIdentifier type messageIdentifierType - type string with restriction minLength(5) maxLength(50)
        A unique identifier for a request/response message pair used for logging
      • shipmentId type uuidType - type string with restriction maxLength(36) minLength(36) pattern([a-f0-9]{8}-([a-f0-9]{4}-){3}[a-f0-9]{12})
        A unique reference - UUID
      • efakturaStatus type efakturaShipmentCancellationStatusType - type string with restriction - enum { 'NO_EFAKTURA_IN_SHIPMENT', 'CANCELLATION_REQUESTED', 'ALREADY_CANCELLED', 'NOT_FOUND', 'PROCESSING_IN_PROGRESS-TRY_LATER' }
      • atgStatus type atgShipmentCancellationStatusType - type string with restriction - enum { 'NO_ATG_IN_SHIPMENT', 'CANCELLATION_REQUESTED', 'NOT_ALLOWED', 'NOT_FOUND', 'PROCESSING_IN_PROGRESS-TRY_LATER' }
      • atgCancellationMessage - optional; type string
      validationFault (soap:fault, use = literal)Source code
      validationFault type ValidationFault
      Indicates that the client has sent an invalid request.
      • errorCode type errorCodeType - type int with restriction minInclusive(3000) maxExclusive(3999)
      • messageIdentifier type messageIdentifierType - type string with restriction minLength(5) maxLength(50)
        A unique identifier for a request/response message pair used for logging
      serverFault (soap:fault, use = literal)Source code
      serverFault type ServerFault
      Indicates an internal server error.
      • messageIdentifier type messageIdentifierType - type string with restriction minLength(5) maxLength(50)
        A unique identifier for a request/response message pair used for logging
    3. cancelTransaction
      Cancel a transaction. Possible validation error codes from operation: 3001 - Transaction not found
      Operation type:
      Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.
      SOAP action:
      cancelTransaction (soap:body, use = literal)Source code
      cancelTransaction type CancelTransactionRequest
      • auditInformation type AuditInformationType
        Information used for auditing and logging messages. The service replies with
        the same messageIdentifier sent in.
        • messageIdentifier type messageIdentifierType - type string with restriction minLength(5) maxLength(50)
          A unique identifier for a request/response message pair used for logging
      • transactionId type uuidType - type string with restriction maxLength(36) minLength(36) pattern([a-f0-9]{8}-([a-f0-9]{4}-){3}[a-f0-9]{12})
        A unique reference - UUID
      cancelTransactionResponse (soap:body, use = literal)Source code
      cancelTransactionResponse type CancelTransactionResponse
      • messageIdentifier type messageIdentifierType - type string with restriction minLength(5) maxLength(50)
        A unique identifier for a request/response message pair used for logging
      • transactionId type uuidType - type string with restriction maxLength(36) minLength(36) pattern([a-f0-9]{8}-([a-f0-9]{4}-){3}[a-f0-9]{12})
        A unique reference - UUID
      • efakturaStatus type efakturaTransactionCancellationStatusType - type string with restriction - enum { 'NOT_AN_EFAKTURA_TRANSACTION', 'CANCELLATION_REQUESTED', 'ALREADY_CANCELLED', 'NOT_FOUND', 'PROCESSING_IN_PROGRESS-TRY_LATER' }
      • atgStatus type atgTransactionCancellationStatusType - type string with restriction - enum { 'NOT_AN_ATG_TRANSACTION', 'CANCELLATION_REQUESTED', 'NOT_ALLOWED', 'NOT_FOUND', 'PROCESSING_IN_PROGRESS-TRY_LATER' }
      • atgCancellationMessage - optional; type string
      validationFault (soap:fault, use = literal)Source code
      validationFault type ValidationFault
      Indicates that the client has sent an invalid request.
      • errorCode type errorCodeType - type int with restriction minInclusive(3000) maxExclusive(3999)
      • messageIdentifier type messageIdentifierType - type string with restriction minLength(5) maxLength(50)
        A unique identifier for a request/response message pair used for logging
      serverFault (soap:fault, use = literal)Source code
      serverFault type ServerFault
      Indicates an internal server error.
      • messageIdentifier type messageIdentifierType - type string with restriction minLength(5) maxLength(50)
        A unique identifier for a request/response message pair used for logging
    4. getAtgMandate
      Check if a mandate exists Possible validation error codes from operation: 3102 - Get mandate is currently disabled
      Operation type:
      Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.
      SOAP action:
      getAtgMandateRequest (soap:body, use = literal)Source code
      getAtgMandateRequest type GetAtgMandateRequest
      Check if a mandate exists.
      • auditInformation type AuditInformationType
        Information used for auditing and logging messages. The service replies with
        the same messageIdentifier sent in.
        • messageIdentifier type messageIdentifierType - type string with restriction minLength(5) maxLength(50)
          A unique identifier for a request/response message pair used for logging
      • kid type kidType - type string with restriction maxLength(25) minLength(2) pattern(\d*)
      • creditAccount type accountNumberType - type string with restriction length(11)
        The account number that the issuer will be credited.
        Must be a Norwegian account number with 11 digits
      getAtgMandateResponse (soap:body, use = literal)Source code
      getAtgMandateResponse type GetAtgMandateResponse
      Return the mandate if exists, else mandate will be null.
      • messageIdentifier type messageIdentifierType - type string with restriction minLength(5) maxLength(50)
        A unique identifier for a request/response message pair used for logging
      • mandate - optional; type MandateInfoType
        • kid type kidType - type string with restriction maxLength(25) minLength(2) pattern(\d*)
        • creditAccount type accountNumberType - type string with restriction length(11)
          The account number that the issuer will be credited.
          Must be a Norwegian account number with 11 digits
        • notification type boolean
      validationFault (soap:fault, use = literal)Source code
      validationFault type ValidationFault
      Indicates that the client has sent an invalid request.
      • errorCode type errorCodeType - type int with restriction minInclusive(3000) maxExclusive(3999)
      • messageIdentifier type messageIdentifierType - type string with restriction minLength(5) maxLength(50)
        A unique identifier for a request/response message pair used for logging
      serverFault (soap:fault, use = literal)Source code
      serverFault type ServerFault
      Indicates an internal server error.
      • messageIdentifier type messageIdentifierType - type string with restriction minLength(5) maxLength(50)
        A unique identifier for a request/response message pair used for logging
    5. getBlackList
      Get black listed eFaktura issuers
      Operation type:
      Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.
      SOAP action:
      getBlackList (soap:body, use = literal)Source code
      getBlackList type GetBlackListRequest
      • auditInformation type AuditInformationType
        Information used for auditing and logging messages. The service replies with
        the same messageIdentifier sent in.
        • messageIdentifier type messageIdentifierType - type string with restriction minLength(5) maxLength(50)
          A unique identifier for a request/response message pair used for logging
      getBlackListResponse (soap:body, use = literal)Source code
      getBlackListResponse type GetBlackListResponse
      • messageIdentifier type messageIdentifierType - type string with restriction minLength(5) maxLength(50)
        A unique identifier for a request/response message pair used for logging
      • blackListResponses type BlackListResponsesType
        • blackListResponseType - optional; type BlackListResponseType
          • identifier type string
          • identifierType type string
          • status type string
          • activationDate type date
          • deActivationDate - optional; type date
          • blackListType type string
      validationFault (soap:fault, use = literal)Source code
      validationFault type ValidationFault
      Indicates that the client has sent an invalid request.
      • errorCode type errorCodeType - type int with restriction minInclusive(3000) maxExclusive(3999)
      • messageIdentifier type messageIdentifierType - type string with restriction minLength(5) maxLength(50)
        A unique identifier for a request/response message pair used for logging
      serverFault (soap:fault, use = literal)Source code
      serverFault type ServerFault
      Indicates an internal server error.
      • messageIdentifier type messageIdentifierType - type string with restriction minLength(5) maxLength(50)
        A unique identifier for a request/response message pair used for logging
    6. getEfakturaIdentifiers
      Returns efakturaIdentifier and auto accept agreement if the receiver is found by efaktura identifier, personalnumber, organization number, phone, email, name, or address.
      Operation type:
      Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.
      SOAP action:
      getEfakturaIdentifiers (soap:body, use = literal)Source code
      getEfakturaIdentifiers type GetEfakturaIdentifiersRequest
      • auditInformation type AuditInformationType
        Information used for auditing and logging messages. The service replies with
        the same messageIdentifier sent in.
        • messageIdentifier type messageIdentifierType - type string with restriction minLength(5) maxLength(50)
          A unique identifier for a request/response message pair used for logging
      • getEfakturaIdentifiersKey type EfakturaIdentifiersKeyType
        • efakturaIdentifierKey type EfakturaIdentifierKeyType
          Contains the keys used to search for a unique receiver to get the eFaktura identifier.
          The following rules apply:
          1. Search can be made on social security number, organization number, efaktura identifier or
          eFakturaReferenceAndContentProvider as single key.
          2. If email alias or phone alias or date of birth is provided at least two of them must match.
          3. If only one of date of birth, email alias or phone alias is provided, one of either name,
          address or postal code must match.
          4. If none of date of birth, email alias or phone alias is given all of name, address and postal
          code must match.
          5. For name and address it is allowed for search where the text is a part of the given field
          6. First and last name is also to be switched, meaning a first name search will also try to
          search in the last name column.
          • efakturaIdentifier - optional; type eFakturaIdentifierType - type string with restriction maxLength(9) minLength(9) pattern([0-9]{9})
            The efakturaIdentifier of the receiver - the unique efaktura address for this receiver.
          • A choice of one of the following elements:
            • socialSecurityNumber type socialSecurityNumberType - type string with restriction maxLength(11) minLength(11) pattern([0-9]{11})
            • organizationNumber type organizationNumberType - type string with restriction maxLength(9) minLength(9) pattern([0-9]{9})
          • telephoneAlias - optional; type telephoneType - type string with restriction minLength(6) maxLength(16) pattern(\+\d+)
            A valid phone number - used for alias.
            Prefixed with country code (i.e. +4799999999).
          • emailAlias - optional; type emailType - type string with restriction minLength(5) maxLength(100) pattern([^@]+@[^\.]+\..+)
            A valid email address - used for alias.
          • name - optional; type FullNameType
            The name used to search for receiver to get efaktura identifier.
            Both elements must match those registered on the receiver
            • firstName - optional; type nameType - type string with restriction maxLength(50) minLength(1)
            • lastName type nameType - type string with restriction maxLength(50) minLength(1)
          • address - optional; type AddressType
            The address used to search for receiver to get efaktura identifier.
            All elements must match those registered on the receiver
            • addressLine1 - optional; type addressLineType - type string with restriction maxLength(50)
            • addressLine2 - optional; type addressLineType - type string with restriction maxLength(50)
            • postalCode - optional; type postalCodeType - type string with restriction maxLength(10) minLength(4)
            • city - optional; type postalCityType - type string with restriction maxLength(30) minLength(1)
            • countryCode - optional; type countryCodeType - type string with restriction maxLength(2) minLength(2)
          • efakturaIssuer - optional; type organizationNumberType - type string with restriction maxLength(9) minLength(9) pattern([0-9]{9})
          • dateOfBirth - optional; type date
          • efakturaReferenceAndContentProvider - optional; type EfakturaReferenceAndContentProviderType
            • efakturaReference type eFakturaReferenceType - type string with restriction maxLength(32)
              The customer agreement reference (eFakturareferanse) of the receiver,
              used in the agreement between eFaktura issuer and receiver.
            • contentProviderId type providerIdType - type string with restriction minLength(9) maxLength(9) pattern([0-9]{9})
      getEfakturaIdentifiersResponse (soap:body, use = literal)Source code
      getEfakturaIdentifiersResponse type GetEfakturaIdentifiersResponse
      • messageIdentifier type messageIdentifierType - type string with restriction minLength(5) maxLength(50)
        A unique identifier for a request/response message pair used for logging
      • getEfakturaIdentifiersResponse type EfakturaIdentifiersResponseType
        List with efakturaidentifier-keys and efakturaidentifier if found
        • efakturaIdentifierResponse type EfakturaIdentifierResponseType
          Result of efakturaidentifier lookup. The lookup-key is also returned
          to pair the efaktura identifier with the correct receiver.
          • responseResult type efakturaIdentifierResultType - type string with restriction - enum { 'UNIQUE_RECEIVER_FOUND', 'RECEIVER_NOT_FOUND', 'LOOKUP_KEY_MISSING_DATA', 'MULTIPLE_RECEIVERS' }
          • autoAcceptEfaktura type boolean
            If all eFaktura agreements should be accepted
            automatically for this eFaktura receiver.
          • efakturaIdentifier - optional; type eFakturaIdentifierType - type string with restriction maxLength(9) minLength(9) pattern([0-9]{9})
            The efakturaIdentifier of the receiver - the unique efaktura address for this receiver.
          • efakturaIdentifierKey type EfakturaIdentifierKeyType
            Contains the keys used to search for a unique receiver to get the eFaktura identifier.
            The following rules apply:
            1. Search can be made on social security number, organization number, efaktura identifier or
            eFakturaReferenceAndContentProvider as single key.
            2. If email alias or phone alias or date of birth is provided at least two of them must match.
            3. If only one of date of birth, email alias or phone alias is provided, one of either name,
            address or postal code must match.
            4. If none of date of birth, email alias or phone alias is given all of name, address and postal
            code must match.
            5. For name and address it is allowed for search where the text is a part of the given field
            6. First and last name is also to be switched, meaning a first name search will also try to
            search in the last name column.
            • efakturaIdentifier - optional; type eFakturaIdentifierType - type string with restriction maxLength(9) minLength(9) pattern([0-9]{9})
              The efakturaIdentifier of the receiver - the unique efaktura address for this receiver.
            • A choice of one of the following elements:
              • socialSecurityNumber type socialSecurityNumberType - type string with restriction maxLength(11) minLength(11) pattern([0-9]{11})
              • organizationNumber type organizationNumberType - type string with restriction maxLength(9) minLength(9) pattern([0-9]{9})
            • telephoneAlias - optional; type telephoneType - type string with restriction minLength(6) maxLength(16) pattern(\+\d+)
              A valid phone number - used for alias.
              Prefixed with country code (i.e. +4799999999).
            • emailAlias - optional; type emailType - type string with restriction minLength(5) maxLength(100) pattern([^@]+@[^\.]+\..+)
              A valid email address - used for alias.
            • name - optional; type FullNameType
              The name used to search for receiver to get efaktura identifier.
              Both elements must match those registered on the receiver
              • firstName - optional; type nameType - type string with restriction maxLength(50) minLength(1)
              • lastName type nameType - type string with restriction maxLength(50) minLength(1)
            • address - optional; type AddressType
              The address used to search for receiver to get efaktura identifier.
              All elements must match those registered on the receiver
              • addressLine1 - optional; type addressLineType - type string with restriction maxLength(50)
              • addressLine2 - optional; type addressLineType - type string with restriction maxLength(50)
              • postalCode - optional; type postalCodeType - type string with restriction maxLength(10) minLength(4)
              • city - optional; type postalCityType - type string with restriction maxLength(30) minLength(1)
              • countryCode - optional; type countryCodeType - type string with restriction maxLength(2) minLength(2)
            • efakturaIssuer - optional; type organizationNumberType - type string with restriction maxLength(9) minLength(9) pattern([0-9]{9})
            • dateOfBirth - optional; type date
            • efakturaReferenceAndContentProvider - optional; type EfakturaReferenceAndContentProviderType
              • efakturaReference type eFakturaReferenceType - type string with restriction maxLength(32)
                The customer agreement reference (eFakturareferanse) of the receiver,
                used in the agreement between eFaktura issuer and receiver.
              • contentProviderId type providerIdType - type string with restriction minLength(9) maxLength(9) pattern([0-9]{9})
          • issuerResponse - optional; type EfakturaIssuerResponseType
            The result of issuer lookup in the getEfakturaIdentifier call. It returns if
            issuer is blocked by receiver, if issuer has eFaktura agreement with receiver,
            and if found a valid eFaktura reference is returned
            • blockedByReceiver type boolean
            • hasEfakturaAgreement type boolean
            • efakturaReferences - optional, unbounded; type eFakturaReferenceType - type string with restriction maxLength(32)
              The customer agreement reference (eFakturareferanse) of the receiver,
              used in the agreement between eFaktura issuer and receiver.
      validationFault (soap:fault, use = literal)Source code
      validationFault type ValidationFault
      Indicates that the client has sent an invalid request.
      • errorCode type errorCodeType - type int with restriction minInclusive(3000) maxExclusive(3999)
      • messageIdentifier type messageIdentifierType - type string with restriction minLength(5) maxLength(50)
        A unique identifier for a request/response message pair used for logging
      serverFault (soap:fault, use = literal)Source code
      serverFault type ServerFault
      Indicates an internal server error.
      • messageIdentifier type messageIdentifierType - type string with restriction minLength(5) maxLength(50)
        A unique identifier for a request/response message pair used for logging
    7. getShipments
      Returns all shipment IDs sent in by the user within a time interval. Possible validation error codes from operation: 3040 - interval too long
      Operation type:
      Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.
      SOAP action:
      getShipments (soap:body, use = literal)Source code
      getShipments type GetShipmentsRequest
      • auditInformation type AuditInformationType
        Information used for auditing and logging messages. The service replies with
        the same messageIdentifier sent in.
        • messageIdentifier type messageIdentifierType - type string with restriction minLength(5) maxLength(50)
          A unique identifier for a request/response message pair used for logging
      • from type dateTime
      • to type dateTime
      getShipmentsResponse (soap:body, use = literal)Source code
      getShipmentsResponse type GetShipmentsResponse
      • messageIdentifier type messageIdentifierType - type string with restriction minLength(5) maxLength(50)
        A unique identifier for a request/response message pair used for logging
      • numberOfShipmentsFound type int
      • shipmentsResponses type ShipmentsResponsesType
        • shipmentsResponseType - optional, unbounded; type ShipmentsResponseType
          • id type uuidType - type string with restriction maxLength(36) minLength(36) pattern([a-f0-9]{8}-([a-f0-9]{4}-){3}[a-f0-9]{12})
            A unique reference - UUID
      validationFault (soap:fault, use = literal)Source code
      validationFault type ValidationFault
      Indicates that the client has sent an invalid request.
      • errorCode type errorCodeType - type int with restriction minInclusive(3000) maxExclusive(3999)
      • messageIdentifier type messageIdentifierType - type string with restriction minLength(5) maxLength(50)
        A unique identifier for a request/response message pair used for logging
      serverFault (soap:fault, use = literal)Source code
      serverFault type ServerFault
      Indicates an internal server error.
      • messageIdentifier type messageIdentifierType - type string with restriction minLength(5) maxLength(50)
        A unique identifier for a request/response message pair used for logging
    8. getShipmentStatus
      Get the status of a shipment. Possible validation error codes from operation: 3000 - Shipment not found
      Operation type:
      Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.
      SOAP action:
      getShipmentStatus (soap:body, use = literal)Source code
      getShipmentStatus type GetShipmentStatusRequest
      • auditInformation type AuditInformationType
        Information used for auditing and logging messages. The service replies with
        the same messageIdentifier sent in.
        • messageIdentifier type messageIdentifierType - type string with restriction minLength(5) maxLength(50)
          A unique identifier for a request/response message pair used for logging
      • shipmentId type uuidType - type string with restriction maxLength(36) minLength(36) pattern([a-f0-9]{8}-([a-f0-9]{4}-){3}[a-f0-9]{12})
        A unique reference - UUID
      getShipmentStatusResponse (soap:body, use = literal)Source code
      getShipmentStatusResponse type GetShipmentStatusResponse
      • messageIdentifier type messageIdentifierType - type string with restriction minLength(5) maxLength(50)
        A unique identifier for a request/response message pair used for logging
      • shipmentId type uuidType - type string with restriction maxLength(36) minLength(36) pattern([a-f0-9]{8}-([a-f0-9]{4}-){3}[a-f0-9]{12})
        A unique reference - UUID
      • efakturaShipmentStatus type shipmentEfakturaStatusType - type string with restriction - enum { 'IN_PROGRESS', 'PROCESSED', 'STOPPED', 'NO_EFAKTURA_IN_SHIPMENT' }
      • transactionCount type int
      • efakturaTransactionCount type int
      • atgTransactionCount type int
      • transactionsStatuses - optional; type TransactionStatusesType
        • transactionStatus type TransactionStatusType
          • transactionId type uuidType - type string with restriction maxLength(36) minLength(36) pattern([a-f0-9]{8}-([a-f0-9]{4}-){3}[a-f0-9]{12})
            A unique reference - UUID
          • efakturaTransactionStatus - optional; type EfakturaTransactionStatusType
            • status type efakturaStatusType - type string with restriction - enum { 'NOT_AN_EFAKTURA_TRANSACTION', 'IN_PROGRESS', 'CANCELLED', 'REJECTED', 'STOPPED', 'ACCEPTED' }
            • rejectionCode - optional; type rejectionCodeType - type string with restriction maxLength(4) minLength(1)
              The reason why something was rejected, as a code
            • rejectionText - optional; type rejectionTextType - type string with restriction maxLength(2000) minLength(1)
              The reason why something was rejected
          • atgTransactionStatus - optional; type AtgTransactionStatusType
            • code - optional; type rejectionCodeType - type string with restriction maxLength(4) minLength(1)
              The reason why something was rejected, as a code
            • text - optional; type rejectionTextType - type string with restriction maxLength(2000) minLength(1)
              The reason why something was rejected
      validationFault (soap:fault, use = literal)Source code
      validationFault type ValidationFault
      Indicates that the client has sent an invalid request.
      • errorCode type errorCodeType - type int with restriction minInclusive(3000) maxExclusive(3999)
      • messageIdentifier type messageIdentifierType - type string with restriction minLength(5) maxLength(50)
        A unique identifier for a request/response message pair used for logging
      serverFault (soap:fault, use = literal)Source code
      serverFault type ServerFault
      Indicates an internal server error.
      • messageIdentifier type messageIdentifierType - type string with restriction minLength(5) maxLength(50)
        A unique identifier for a request/response message pair used for logging
    9. getTransactionStatus
      Get the status of a transaction. Possible validation error codes from operation: 3001 - Transaction not found
      Operation type:
      Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.
      SOAP action:
      getTransactionStatus (soap:body, use = literal)Source code
      getTransactionStatus type GetTransactionStatusRequest
      • auditInformation type AuditInformationType
        Information used for auditing and logging messages. The service replies with
        the same messageIdentifier sent in.
        • messageIdentifier type messageIdentifierType - type string with restriction minLength(5) maxLength(50)
          A unique identifier for a request/response message pair used for logging
      • transactionId type uuidType - type string with restriction maxLength(36) minLength(36) pattern([a-f0-9]{8}-([a-f0-9]{4}-){3}[a-f0-9]{12})
        A unique reference - UUID
      getTransactionStatusResponse (soap:body, use = literal)Source code
      getTransactionStatusResponse type GetTransactionStatusResponse
      • messageIdentifier type messageIdentifierType - type string with restriction minLength(5) maxLength(50)
        A unique identifier for a request/response message pair used for logging
      • transactionStatus type TransactionStatusType
        • transactionId type uuidType - type string with restriction maxLength(36) minLength(36) pattern([a-f0-9]{8}-([a-f0-9]{4}-){3}[a-f0-9]{12})
          A unique reference - UUID
        • efakturaTransactionStatus - optional; type EfakturaTransactionStatusType
          • status type efakturaStatusType - type string with restriction - enum { 'NOT_AN_EFAKTURA_TRANSACTION', 'IN_PROGRESS', 'CANCELLED', 'REJECTED', 'STOPPED', 'ACCEPTED' }
          • rejectionCode - optional; type rejectionCodeType - type string with restriction maxLength(4) minLength(1)
            The reason why something was rejected, as a code
          • rejectionText - optional; type rejectionTextType - type string with restriction maxLength(2000) minLength(1)
            The reason why something was rejected
        • atgTransactionStatus - optional; type AtgTransactionStatusType
          • code - optional; type rejectionCodeType - type string with restriction maxLength(4) minLength(1)
            The reason why something was rejected, as a code
          • text - optional; type rejectionTextType - type string with restriction maxLength(2000) minLength(1)
            The reason why something was rejected
      • transaction type TransactionType
        • transactionId type uuidType - type string with restriction maxLength(36) minLength(36) pattern([a-f0-9]{8}-([a-f0-9]{4}-){3}[a-f0-9]{12})
          A unique reference - UUID
        • paymentType type paymentType - type string with restriction - enum { 'EFAKTURA', 'EFAKTURA_AND_AVTALEGIRO', 'EFAKTURA_AND_EXTERNAL_AVTALEGIRO', 'AVTALEGIRO' }
        • documentType type documentType - type string with restriction - enum { 'INVOICE', 'CREDIT_NOTE', 'REMINDER', 'COLLECTION_NOTICE', 'DUNNING', 'PAYMENT_REQUEST', 'ENFORCEMENT_WARNING' }
        • kid - optional; type kidType - type string with restriction maxLength(25) minLength(2) pattern(\d*)
          Mandatory for ATGs, but not for eFaktruas
        • accountNumber type accountNumberType - type string with restriction length(11)
          The account number that the issuer will be credited.
          Must be a Norwegian account number with 11 digits
        • amount type simpleAmountType - type decimal with restriction fractionDigits(2) minInclusive(0.00)
          The amount represented as a positive number with two decimals.
        • dueDate type date
        • efakturaInfo - optional; type EfakturaType
          Must be added for eFakturas
          • A choice of one of the following elements:
            • efakturaIdentifier type eFakturaIdentifierType - type string with restriction maxLength(9) minLength(9) pattern([0-9]{9})
              The efakturaIdentifier of the receiver - the unique efaktura address for this receiver.
            • socialSecurityNumber type socialSecurityNumberType - type string with restriction maxLength(11) minLength(11) pattern([0-9]{11})
            • eFakturaReference type efakturaReferenceType - type string with restriction maxLength(32) minLength(1)
              The eFaktura reference of the receiver
          • minimumAmount - optional; type simpleAmountType - type decimal with restriction fractionDigits(2) minInclusive(0.00)
            The amount represented as a positive number with two decimals.
          • brandName type brandNameType - type string with restriction maxLength(40)
            Name that is shown to the receiver of the eFaktura
          • eFakturaUrl type eFakturaUrlType - type string with restriction maxLength(255) minLength(1)
            URL to where the eFaktura invoice is located
          • collectionNoticeNotification - optional; type CollectionNoticeNotification
            Forced notifications for collection notices. Only valid for collection notice.
            • email - optional; type emailType - type string with restriction minLength(5) maxLength(100) pattern([^@]+@[^\.]+\..+)
              A valid email address - used for alias.
            • mobilePhone - optional; type telephoneType - type string with restriction minLength(6) maxLength(16) pattern(\+\d+)
              A valid phone number - used for alias.
              Prefixed with country code (i.e. +4799999999).
        • atgInfo - optional; type AtgType
          Must be added for ATGs
          • atgNotification type boolean
          • atgNotificationText - optional; type atgNotificationTextType - type string with restriction maxLength(3360) minLength(0)
            Notification text for AvtaleGiro.
            Max length 3360, but should be divided in 80 character lines and maximum 42 lines.
          • atgAbbreviatedName - optional; type atgAbbreviatedNameType - type string with restriction maxLength(10) minLength(1)
            The field may be used to inform payer about the AvtaleGiro payment.
            The external reference will be transferred to payer’s statement and AvtaleGiro info.
            The external reference will override the set text on payer’s regular payment assignment.
          • atgExternalReference - optional; type atgExternalReferenceType - type string with restriction maxLength(25) minLength(1)
            The abbreviated name for the AvtaleGiro payer.
            The field should be filled in to make identification of any denied due payments easier.
      validationFault (soap:fault, use = literal)Source code
      validationFault type ValidationFault
      Indicates that the client has sent an invalid request.
      • errorCode type errorCodeType - type int with restriction minInclusive(3000) maxExclusive(3999)
      • messageIdentifier type messageIdentifierType - type string with restriction minLength(5) maxLength(50)
        A unique identifier for a request/response message pair used for logging
      serverFault (soap:fault, use = literal)Source code
      serverFault type ServerFault
      Indicates an internal server error.
      • messageIdentifier type messageIdentifierType - type string with restriction minLength(5) maxLength(50)
        A unique identifier for a request/response message pair used for logging
    10. validateSecuritySignature
      Validates the given security signature and returns the decrypted value. Possible validation error codes from operation: 3030 - the signature has timed out 3031 - the signature is manipulated
      Operation type:
      Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.
      SOAP action:
      validateSecuritySignature (soap:body, use = literal)Source code
      validateSecuritySignature type ValidateSecuritySignatureRequest
      • auditInformation type AuditInformationType
        Information used for auditing and logging messages. The service replies with
        the same messageIdentifier sent in.
        • messageIdentifier type messageIdentifierType - type string with restriction minLength(5) maxLength(50)
          A unique identifier for a request/response message pair used for logging
      • encryptedSignature type encryptedSignatureType - type string with restriction pattern(%3CMSG.*%3E)
      validateSecuritySignatureResponse (soap:body, use = literal)Source code
      validateSecuritySignatureResponse type ValidateSecuritySignatureResponse
      • messageIdentifier type messageIdentifierType - type string with restriction minLength(5) maxLength(50)
        A unique identifier for a request/response message pair used for logging
      • decryptedSignature type decryptedSignatureType - type string with restriction
      validationFault (soap:fault, use = literal)Source code
      validationFault type ValidationFault
      Indicates that the client has sent an invalid request.
      • errorCode type errorCodeType - type int with restriction minInclusive(3000) maxExclusive(3999)
      • messageIdentifier type messageIdentifierType - type string with restriction minLength(5) maxLength(50)
        A unique identifier for a request/response message pair used for logging
      serverFault (soap:fault, use = literal)Source code
      serverFault type ServerFault
      Indicates an internal server error.
      • messageIdentifier type messageIdentifierType - type string with restriction minLength(5) maxLength(50)
        A unique identifier for a request/response message pair used for logging

WSDL source code

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="wsdl-viewer.xsl" ?>
<wsdl:definitions name="efaktura-atg" targetNamespace="https://efaktura-services.nets.no/efaktura-atg-service/v1/"
<xsd:schema targetNamespace="https://efaktura-services.nets.no/efaktura-atg-service/v1/">
<xsd:simpleType name="eFakturaUrlType">
<xsd:documentation>URL to where the eFaktura invoice is located </xsd:documentation>
<xsd:simpleType name="atgAbbreviatedNameType">
<xsd:documentation> The field may be used to inform payer about the AvtaleGiro payment. The external reference will be transferred to payer’s statement and AvtaleGiro info. The external reference will override the set text on payer’s regular payment assignment. </xsd:documentation>
<xsd:simpleType name="atgExternalReferenceType">
<xsd:documentation> The abbreviated name for the AvtaleGiro payer. The field should be filled in to make identification of any denied due payments easier. </xsd:documentation>
<xsd:simpleType name="atgNotificationTextType">
<xsd:documentation> Notification text for AvtaleGiro. Max length 3360, but should be divided in 80 character lines and maximum 42 lines. </xsd:documentation>
<xsd:simpleType name="brandNameType">
<xsd:documentation> Name that is shown to the receiver of the eFaktura </xsd:documentation>
<xsd:simpleType name="accountNumberType">
<xsd:documentation> The account number that the issuer will be credited. Must be a Norwegian account number with 11 digits </xsd:documentation>
<xsd:simpleType name="messageIdentifierType">
<xsd:documentation> A unique identifier for a request/response message pair used for logging </xsd:documentation>
<xsd:simpleType name="rejectionTextType">
<xsd:documentation> The reason why something was rejected </xsd:documentation>
<xsd:simpleType name="rejectionCodeType">
<xsd:documentation> The reason why something was rejected, as a code </xsd:documentation>
<xsd:simpleType name="efakturaIdentifierResultType">
<xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
<xsd:enumeration value="UNIQUE_RECEIVER_FOUND">
<xsd:documentation> The eFaktura receiver is found in the receiver register </xsd:documentation>
<xsd:enumeration value="RECEIVER_NOT_FOUND">
<xsd:documentation> The eFaktura receiver is not found in the receiver register </xsd:documentation>
<xsd:enumeration value="LOOKUP_KEY_MISSING_DATA">
<xsd:documentation> Missing input data on lookup key </xsd:documentation>
<xsd:enumeration value="MULTIPLE_RECEIVERS">
<xsd:documentation> Multiple receivers found for the given details. More info is needed to find an exact match. </xsd:documentation>
<xsd:simpleType name="eFakturaIdentifierType">
<xsd:documentation> The efakturaIdentifier of the receiver - the unique efaktura address for this receiver. </xsd:documentation>
<xsd:simpleType name="eFakturaReferenceType">
<xsd:documentation> The customer agreement reference (eFakturareferanse) of the receiver, used in the agreement between eFaktura issuer and receiver. </xsd:documentation>
<xsd:simpleType name="telephoneType">
<xsd:documentation> A valid phone number - used for alias. Prefixed with country code (i.e. +4799999999). </xsd:documentation>
<xsd:simpleType name="shipmentEfakturaStatusType">
<xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
<xsd:enumeration value="IN_PROGRESS">
<xsd:documentation> Processing of the shipment is in progress </xsd:documentation>
<xsd:enumeration value="PROCESSED">
<xsd:documentation> Processing of the shipment is finished </xsd:documentation>
<xsd:enumeration value="STOPPED">
<xsd:documentation> Processing of the shipment is stopped </xsd:documentation>
<xsd:enumeration value="NO_EFAKTURA_IN_SHIPMENT">
<xsd:documentation> The shipment has no eFakturas </xsd:documentation>
<xsd:simpleType name="paymentType">
<xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
<xsd:enumeration value="EFAKTURA">
<xsd:documentation> Payment type for eFaktura only. efakturaInfo must be added the the transaction. </xsd:documentation>
<xsd:enumeration value="EFAKTURA_AND_AVTALEGIRO">
<xsd:documentation> Payment type for both eFaktura and AvtaleGiro combined. atgInfo and efakturaInfo must be added to the transaction. </xsd:documentation>
<xsd:enumeration value="EFAKTURA_AND_EXTERNAL_AVTALEGIRO">
<xsd:documentation> Payment type for both eFaktura and AvtaleGiro combined, but with the AvtaleGiro provided by itself. </xsd:documentation>
<xsd:enumeration value="AVTALEGIRO">
<xsd:documentation> Payment type for AvtaleGiro only. atgInfo must be added to the transaction. </xsd:documentation>
<xsd:simpleType name="simpleAmountType">
<xsd:documentation> The amount represented as a positive number with two decimals. </xsd:documentation>
<xsd:simpleType name="efakturaReferenceType">
<xsd:documentation> The eFaktura reference of the receiver </xsd:documentation>
<xsd:complexType name="AuditInformationType">
<xsd:documentation> Information used for auditing and logging messages. The service replies with the same messageIdentifier sent in. </xsd:documentation>
<xsd:complexType name="EfakturaIssuerResponseType">
<xsd:documentation> The result of issuer lookup in the getEfakturaIdentifier call. It returns if issuer is blocked by receiver, if issuer has eFaktura agreement with receiver, and if found a valid eFaktura reference is returned </xsd:documentation>
<xsd:complexType name="FullNameType">
<xsd:documentation> The name used to search for receiver to get efaktura identifier. Both elements must match those registered on the receiver </xsd:documentation>
<xsd:complexType name="EfakturaIdentifierKeyType">
<xsd:documentation> Contains the keys used to search for a unique receiver to get the eFaktura identifier. The following rules apply: 1. Search can be made on social security number, organization number, efaktura identifier or eFakturaReferenceAndContentProvider as single key. 2. If email alias or phone alias or date of birth is provided at least two of them must match. 3. If only one of date of birth, email alias or phone alias is provided, one of either name, address or postal code must match. 4. If none of date of birth, email alias or phone alias is given all of name, address and postal code must match. 5. For name and address it is allowed for search where the text is a part of the given field 6. First and last name is also to be switched, meaning a first name search will also try to search in the last name column. </xsd:documentation>
<xsd:complexType name="TransactionsType">
<xsd:documentation> Allows up to a 1000 transactions per shipment. </xsd:documentation>
<xsd:element name="ServerFault">
<xsd:documentation> Indicates an internal server error. </xsd:documentation>
<wsdl:portType name="EfakturaAtgPortType">
<wsdl:operation name="getEfakturaIdentifiers">
<wsdl:documentation> Returns efakturaIdentifier and auto accept agreement if the receiver is found by efaktura identifier, personalnumber, organization number, phone, email, name, or address. </wsdl:documentation>
<wsdl:operation name="addShipment">
<wsdl:documentation> Creates a shipment with transactions (eFaktura, AvtaleGiro or a combination). Possible validation error codes from operation: 3002 - Shipment id already exists 3003 - Transaction id already exists 3010 - ATG info is missing for an ATG transaction 3011 - eFaktua info is missing for an eFaktura transaction 3020 - KID is missing for an ATG transaction 3021 - ATG transaction is not document type INVOICE 3100 - Document type not implemented (currently only INVOICE is allowed) 3101 - AvtaleGiro transactions are not allowed </wsdl:documentation>
<wsdl:operation name="validateSecuritySignature">
<wsdl:documentation> Validates the given security signature and returns the decrypted value. Possible validation error codes from operation: 3030 - the signature has timed out 3031 - the signature is manipulated </wsdl:documentation>
<wsdl:operation name="getShipments">
<wsdl:documentation> Returns all shipment IDs sent in by the user within a time interval. Possible validation error codes from operation: 3040 - interval too long </wsdl:documentation>
<wsdl:binding name="EfakturaAtgSoapBinding" type="tns:EfakturaAtgPortType"></wsdl:binding>