Web Service: EfakturaErpService
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Web Service: EfakturaErpService

Target Namespace:

Port EfakturaErptPort Port typeSource code

Default style:
Transport protocol:
  1. addBrandAgreementRuleDetailSource code
  2. addInvoicesDetailSource code
  3. createIssuerDetailSource code
  4. deleteBrandAgreementRuleDetailSource code
  5. deleteIssuerDetailSource code
  6. getConsignmentStatusDetailSource code
  7. getEfakturaIdentifiersDetailSource code
  8. getInvoiceStatusDetailSource code
  9. getIssuerDetailSource code


    Port type EfakturaErpPortTypeSource code

    1. addBrandAgreementRule
      Adds brand agreement rules
      Operation type:
      Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.
      SOAP action:
      addBrandAgreementRule (soap:body, use = literal)Source code
      addBrandAgreementRule type AddBrandAgreementRule
      Possible error codes:
      5002: Issuer does not exist or user is not authorized to view information about this issuer.
      5006: Invalid billing account number. Must be a Norwegian account number with 11 digits and modulus 11 valid.
      5007: Invalid CustomerReferencePosition. Must be on the format KID[digit-digit].
      5008: Brand agreement rule already exists.
      • auditInformation type AuditInformationType
        Information used for auditing and logging messages
        • messageIdentifier type MessageIdentifierType - type string with restriction minLength(5) maxLength(50)
          A unique identifier for a request/response message pair used for logging
      • issuerId type OrganizationNumberType - type string with restriction maxLength(9) minLength(9)
        Organization number of the issuer
      • brandAgreementRule type BrandAgreementRuleType
        • accountNumber type BillingAccountNumberType - type string with restriction length(11)
          The account number that the issuer will be billed on. Must be a Norwegian account number with 11 digits
        • customerIdentificationRule type CustomerIdentificationRuleType - type string with restriction maxLength(70) minLength(1)
          The length of the KID
        • customerReferencePosition type CustomerReferencePositionType - type string with restriction maxLength(12) minLength(1)
          Where in the KID is the eInvoice reference is located ( ex: KID[1-5] )
      addBrandAgreementRuleResponse (soap:body, use = literal)Source code
      addBrandAgreementRuleResponse type AddBrandAgreementRuleResponse
      • messageIdentifier type MessageIdentifierType - type string with restriction minLength(5) maxLength(50)
        A unique identifier for a request/response message pair used for logging
      validationFault (soap:fault, use = literal)Source code
      validationFault type ValidationFault
      Indicates that the client has sent an invalid request.
      • errorCode type ErrorCodeType - type int with restriction minInclusive(5000) maxExclusive(5999)
      • messageIdentifier type MessageIdentifierType - type string with restriction minLength(5) maxLength(50)
        A unique identifier for a request/response message pair used for logging
      serverFault (soap:fault, use = literal)Source code
      serverFault type ServerFault
      Indicates an internal server error.
      • messageIdentifier type MessageIdentifierType - type string with restriction minLength(5) maxLength(50)
        A unique identifier for a request/response message pair used for logging
    2. addInvoices
      Creates an invoice that is to be displayed in the online bank
      Operation type:
      Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.
      SOAP action:
      addInvoices (soap:body, use = literal)Source code
      addInvoices type AddInvoices
      To get status for the invoices and consignments use the getInvoiceStatus and
      getConsignmentStatus call.
      • auditInformation type AuditInformationType
        Information used for auditing and logging messages
        • messageIdentifier type MessageIdentifierType - type string with restriction minLength(5) maxLength(50)
          A unique identifier for a request/response message pair used for logging
      • consignmentId type ConsignmentIdType - type string with restriction maxLength(11) minLength(11) pattern([0-9]{11})
        Unique 11 digit consignment reference
      • invoices type InvoicesType
      • A choice of one of the following elements:
        • invoice type InvoiceType
          • invoiceNumber type InvoiceNumberType - type string with restriction maxLength(100) minLength(1)
            Unique reference to the invoice for the issuer.
          • A choice of one of the following elements:
            • efakturaIdentifier type EfakturaIdentifierType - type string with restriction maxLength(9) minLength(9) pattern([0-9]{9})
              The efakturaIdentifier of the receiver, the unique efaktura address for this receiver
            • customerAgreementReference type CustomerAgreementReferenceType - type string with restriction maxLength(32) minLength(1)
              The customer agreement reference between issuer and receiver.
          • issuer type OrganizationNumberType - type string with restriction maxLength(9) minLength(9)
            Organization number of the issuer
          • kid - optional; type KidType - type string with restriction maxLength(25) minLength(2) pattern(\d*)
          • dueDate type date
          • amount type SimpleAmountType - type decimal with restriction fractionDigits(2) minInclusive(0.00)
            The amount represented as a number with two decimals. Must not be negative
          • minimumAmount - optional; type SimpleAmountType - type decimal with restriction fractionDigits(2) minInclusive(0.00)
            The amount represented as a number with two decimals. Must not be negative
          • accountNumber type BillingAccountNumberType - type string with restriction length(11)
            The account number that the issuer will be billed on. Must be a Norwegian account number with 11 digits
          • pdf type Pdf - type base64Binary with restriction
            PDF representation of the invoice
          • documentType type documentType - type string with restriction - enum { 'EFAKTURA', 'AVTALEGIRO' }
        • efhXml type xml - type base64Binary with restriction
          Base64 encoded EHF file. Must contain a unique invoice number
      addInvoicesResponse (soap:body, use = literal)Source code
      addInvoicesResponse type AddInvoicesResponse
      • messageIdentifier type MessageIdentifierType - type string with restriction minLength(5) maxLength(50)
        A unique identifier for a request/response message pair used for logging
      • noOfInvoices type InvoiceCountType - type int with restriction
        The number of invoices received
      validationFault (soap:fault, use = literal)Source code
      validationFault type ValidationFault
      Indicates that the client has sent an invalid request.
      • errorCode type ErrorCodeType - type int with restriction minInclusive(5000) maxExclusive(5999)
      • messageIdentifier type MessageIdentifierType - type string with restriction minLength(5) maxLength(50)
        A unique identifier for a request/response message pair used for logging
      serverFault (soap:fault, use = literal)Source code
      serverFault type ServerFault
      Indicates an internal server error.
      • messageIdentifier type MessageIdentifierType - type string with restriction minLength(5) maxLength(50)
        A unique identifier for a request/response message pair used for logging
    3. createIssuer
      Creates a efaktura B2C issuer
      Operation type:
      Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.
      SOAP action:
      createIssuer (soap:body, use = literal)Source code
      createIssuer type CreateIssuer
      Possible error codes:
      5003: Issuer already exists
      5006: Invalid billing account number. Must be a Norwegian account number with 11 digits and modulus 11 valid.
      5007: Invalid CustomerReferencePosition. Must be on the format KID[digit-digit].
      • auditInformation type AuditInformationType
        Information used for auditing and logging messages
        • messageIdentifier type MessageIdentifierType - type string with restriction minLength(5) maxLength(50)
          A unique identifier for a request/response message pair used for logging
      • name type NameType - type string with restriction maxLength(100) minLength(1)
        Name of the issuer
      • organizationNumber type OrganizationNumberType - type string with restriction maxLength(9) minLength(9)
        Organization number of the issuer
      • billingAccountNumber type BillingAccountNumberType - type string with restriction length(11)
        The account number that the issuer will be billed on. Must be a Norwegian account number with 11 digits
      • emailAddress type EmailAddressType - type string with restriction maxLength(255) minLength(1)
        The email address of the issuer
      • postalCode type PostalCodeType - type string with restriction maxLength(10) minLength(4)
        The postal code of the address of the issuer
      • postalCity type PostalCityType - type string with restriction maxLength(30) minLength(1)
        The postal city of the address of the issuer
      • countryCode type CountryCodeType - type string with restriction maxLength(2) minLength(2)
        The country code of the issuer
      • brandAgreementRule - optional; type BrandAgreementRuleType
        • accountNumber type BillingAccountNumberType - type string with restriction length(11)
          The account number that the issuer will be billed on. Must be a Norwegian account number with 11 digits
        • customerIdentificationRule type CustomerIdentificationRuleType - type string with restriction maxLength(70) minLength(1)
          The length of the KID
        • customerReferencePosition type CustomerReferencePositionType - type string with restriction maxLength(12) minLength(1)
          Where in the KID is the eInvoice reference is located ( ex: KID[1-5] )
      createIssuerResponse (soap:body, use = literal)Source code
      createIssuerResponse type CreateIssuerResponse
      • messageIdentifier type MessageIdentifierType - type string with restriction minLength(5) maxLength(50)
        A unique identifier for a request/response message pair used for logging
      validationFault (soap:fault, use = literal)Source code
      validationFault type ValidationFault
      Indicates that the client has sent an invalid request.
      • errorCode type ErrorCodeType - type int with restriction minInclusive(5000) maxExclusive(5999)
      • messageIdentifier type MessageIdentifierType - type string with restriction minLength(5) maxLength(50)
        A unique identifier for a request/response message pair used for logging
      serverFault (soap:fault, use = literal)Source code
      serverFault type ServerFault
      Indicates an internal server error.
      • messageIdentifier type MessageIdentifierType - type string with restriction minLength(5) maxLength(50)
        A unique identifier for a request/response message pair used for logging
    4. deleteBrandAgreementRule
      Deletes brand agreement rules
      Operation type:
      Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.
      SOAP action:
      deleteBrandAgreementRule (soap:body, use = literal)Source code
      deleteBrandAgreementRule type DeleteBrandAgreementRule
      Possible error codes:
      5002: Issuer does not exist or user is not authorized to view information about this issuer.
      5011: Unable to delete brand agreement rule. It does not exist or is already deleted
      • auditInformation type AuditInformationType
        Information used for auditing and logging messages
        • messageIdentifier type MessageIdentifierType - type string with restriction minLength(5) maxLength(50)
          A unique identifier for a request/response message pair used for logging
      • issuerId type OrganizationNumberType - type string with restriction maxLength(9) minLength(9)
        Organization number of the issuer
      • brandUniqueNumber type BrandUniqueNumberType - type long with restriction
        Unique brand agreement rule number generated by Nets. To be used for deleteBrandAgreementRule
      deleteBrandAgreementRuleResponse (soap:body, use = literal)Source code
      deleteBrandAgreementRuleResponse type DeleteBrandAgreementRuleResponse
      • messageIdentifier type MessageIdentifierType - type string with restriction minLength(5) maxLength(50)
        A unique identifier for a request/response message pair used for logging
      validationFault (soap:fault, use = literal)Source code
      validationFault type ValidationFault
      Indicates that the client has sent an invalid request.
      • errorCode type ErrorCodeType - type int with restriction minInclusive(5000) maxExclusive(5999)
      • messageIdentifier type MessageIdentifierType - type string with restriction minLength(5) maxLength(50)
        A unique identifier for a request/response message pair used for logging
      serverFault (soap:fault, use = literal)Source code
      serverFault type ServerFault
      Indicates an internal server error.
      • messageIdentifier type MessageIdentifierType - type string with restriction minLength(5) maxLength(50)
        A unique identifier for a request/response message pair used for logging
    5. deleteIssuer
      Deletes the given issuer
      Operation type:
      Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.
      SOAP action:
      deleteIssuer (soap:body, use = literal)Source code
      deleteIssuer type DeleteIssuer
      Possible error codes:
      5002: Issuer does not exist or user is not authorized to view information about this issuer.
      • auditInformation type AuditInformationType
        Information used for auditing and logging messages
        • messageIdentifier type MessageIdentifierType - type string with restriction minLength(5) maxLength(50)
          A unique identifier for a request/response message pair used for logging
      • issuerId type OrganizationNumberType - type string with restriction maxLength(9) minLength(9)
        Organization number of the issuer
      deleteIssuerResponse (soap:body, use = literal)Source code
      deleteIssuerResponse type DeleteIssuerResponse
      • messageIdentifier type MessageIdentifierType - type string with restriction minLength(5) maxLength(50)
        A unique identifier for a request/response message pair used for logging
      validationFault (soap:fault, use = literal)Source code
      validationFault type ValidationFault
      Indicates that the client has sent an invalid request.
      • errorCode type ErrorCodeType - type int with restriction minInclusive(5000) maxExclusive(5999)
      • messageIdentifier type MessageIdentifierType - type string with restriction minLength(5) maxLength(50)
        A unique identifier for a request/response message pair used for logging
      serverFault (soap:fault, use = literal)Source code
      serverFault type ServerFault
      Indicates an internal server error.
      • messageIdentifier type MessageIdentifierType - type string with restriction minLength(5) maxLength(50)
        A unique identifier for a request/response message pair used for logging
    6. getConsignmentStatus
      Get status on consignment
      Operation type:
      Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.
      SOAP action:
      getConsignmentStatus (soap:body, use = literal)Source code
      getConsignmentStatus type GetConsignmentStatus
      Possible validation error codes from operation
      5009 - Unable to find consignment
      5010 - Multiple consignments found for id
      • auditInformation type AuditInformationType
        Information used for auditing and logging messages
        • messageIdentifier type MessageIdentifierType - type string with restriction minLength(5) maxLength(50)
          A unique identifier for a request/response message pair used for logging
      • consignmentId type ConsignmentIdType - type string with restriction maxLength(11) minLength(11) pattern([0-9]{11})
        Unique 11 digit consignment reference
      getConsignmentStatusResponse (soap:body, use = literal)Source code
      getConsignmentStatusResponse type GetConsignmentStatusResponse
      • messageIdentifier type MessageIdentifierType - type string with restriction minLength(5) maxLength(50)
        A unique identifier for a request/response message pair used for logging
      • status type ConsignmentStatusType - type string with restriction - enum { 'IN_PROGRESS', 'PROCESSED', 'REJECTED', 'STOPPED' }
      • rejectedReason - optional; type RejectReasonType - type string with restriction maxLength(2000) minLength(1)
        The reason the invoice or consignment was rejected.
      • acceptedInvoiceCount type long
      • rejectedInvoiceCount type long
      • rejectedInvoices - optional; type RejectedInvoicesType
        • rejectedInvoice - optional; type RejectedInvoiceType
          • invoiceNumber type InvoiceNumberType - type string with restriction maxLength(100) minLength(1)
            Unique reference to the invoice for the issuer.
          • rejectedReason type RejectReasonType - type string with restriction maxLength(2000) minLength(1)
            The reason the invoice or consignment was rejected.
        List of rejected invoices.
      validationFault (soap:fault, use = literal)Source code
      validationFault type ValidationFault
      Indicates that the client has sent an invalid request.
      • errorCode type ErrorCodeType - type int with restriction minInclusive(5000) maxExclusive(5999)
      • messageIdentifier type MessageIdentifierType - type string with restriction minLength(5) maxLength(50)
        A unique identifier for a request/response message pair used for logging
      serverFault (soap:fault, use = literal)Source code
      serverFault type ServerFault
      Indicates an internal server error.
      • messageIdentifier type MessageIdentifierType - type string with restriction minLength(5) maxLength(50)
        A unique identifier for a request/response message pair used for logging
    7. getEfakturaIdentifiers
      Returns efakturaIdentifier and auto accept agreement if the receiver is found by efaktura identifier, personalnumber, organization number, phone, email, name, or address.
      Operation type:
      Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.
      SOAP action:
      getEfakturaIdentifiers (soap:body, use = literal)Source code
      getEfakturaIdentifiers type GetEfakturaIdentifiers
      • auditInformation type AuditInformationType
        Information used for auditing and logging messages
        • messageIdentifier type MessageIdentifierType - type string with restriction minLength(5) maxLength(50)
          A unique identifier for a request/response message pair used for logging
      • getEfakturaIdentifiersKey type EfakturaIdentifiersKeyType
        Contains a set of keys used to search for a unique receiver to get the efaktura identifier
        • efakturaIdentifierKey type EfakturaIdentifierKeyType
          Contains the keys used to search for a unique receiver to get the efaktura identifier.
          Search can be made on social security number, organization number or efaktura identifier as single key.
          If none of these are given, at least 2 other keys must be given.
          All keys given must match the information registered on the receiver.
          • efakturaIdentifier - optional; type EfakturaIdentifierType - type string with restriction maxLength(9) minLength(9) pattern([0-9]{9})
            The efakturaIdentifier of the receiver, the unique efaktura address for this receiver
          • A choice of one of the following elements:
            • socialSecurityNumber type SocialSecurityNumberType - type string with restriction maxLength(11) minLength(11) pattern([0-9]{11})
              The social security number of the receiver. This is encrypted
            • organizationNumber type OrganizationNumberType - type string with restriction maxLength(9) minLength(9)
              Organization number of the issuer
          • telephoneAlias - optional; type TelephoneAliasType - type string with restriction minLength(6) maxLength(16) pattern(\+\d+)
            A valid phone number, prefixed with country code (i.e. +4799999999), used for alias
          • emailAlias - optional; type EmailAliasType - type string with restriction minLength(5) maxLength(100) pattern([^@]+@[^\.]+\..+)
            A valid email address, used for alias
          • name - optional; type FullNameType
            The name used to search for receiver to get efaktura identifier.
            Both elements must match those registered on the receiver
            • firstName - optional; type NameType - type string with restriction maxLength(100) minLength(1)
              Name of the issuer
            • lastName type NameType - type string with restriction maxLength(100) minLength(1)
              Name of the issuer
          • address - optional; type AddressType
            The address used to search for receiver to get efaktura identifier.
            All elements must match those registered on the receiver
            • addressLine1 - optional; type AddressLineType - type string with restriction maxLength(50)
              Street, postal or other address
            • addressLine2 - optional; type AddressLineType - type string with restriction maxLength(50)
              Street, postal or other address
            • postalCode type PostalCodeType - type string with restriction maxLength(10) minLength(4)
              The postal code of the address of the issuer
            • city type PostalCityType - type string with restriction maxLength(30) minLength(1)
              The postal city of the address of the issuer
            • countryCode - optional; type CountryCodeType - type string with restriction maxLength(2) minLength(2)
              The country code of the issuer
          • invoiceIssuer - optional; type OrganizationNumberType - type string with restriction maxLength(9) minLength(9)
            Organization number of the issuer
          • dateOfBirth - optional; type date
      getEfakturaIdentifiersResponse (soap:body, use = literal)Source code
      getEfakturaIdentifiersResponse type GetEfakturaIdentifiersResponse
      • messageIdentifier type MessageIdentifierType - type string with restriction minLength(5) maxLength(50)
        A unique identifier for a request/response message pair used for logging
      • getEfakturaIdentifiersResponse type EfakturaIdentifiersResponseType
        List with efakturaidentifier-keys and efakturaidentifier if found
        • efakturaIdentifierResponse type EfakturaIdentifierResponseType
          Result of efakturaidentifier lookup. The lookup-key is also returned
          to pair the efaktura identifier with the correct receiver.
          • responseResult type EfakturaIdentifierResultType - type string with restriction - enum { 'UNIQUE_RECEIVER_FOUND', 'RECEIVER_NOT_FOUND', 'LOOKUP_KEY_MISSING_DATA', 'MULTIPLE_RECEIVERS' }
          • hasAutoAcceptAgreements - optional; type boolean
          • efakturaIdentifier - optional; type EfakturaIdentifierType - type string with restriction maxLength(9) minLength(9) pattern([0-9]{9})
            The efakturaIdentifier of the receiver, the unique efaktura address for this receiver
          • efakturaIdentifierKey type EfakturaIdentifierKeyType
            Contains the keys used to search for a unique receiver to get the efaktura identifier.
            Search can be made on social security number, organization number or efaktura identifier as single key.
            If none of these are given, at least 2 other keys must be given.
            All keys given must match the information registered on the receiver.
            • efakturaIdentifier - optional; type EfakturaIdentifierType - type string with restriction maxLength(9) minLength(9) pattern([0-9]{9})
              The efakturaIdentifier of the receiver, the unique efaktura address for this receiver
            • A choice of one of the following elements:
              • socialSecurityNumber type SocialSecurityNumberType - type string with restriction maxLength(11) minLength(11) pattern([0-9]{11})
                The social security number of the receiver. This is encrypted
              • organizationNumber type OrganizationNumberType - type string with restriction maxLength(9) minLength(9)
                Organization number of the issuer
            • telephoneAlias - optional; type TelephoneAliasType - type string with restriction minLength(6) maxLength(16) pattern(\+\d+)
              A valid phone number, prefixed with country code (i.e. +4799999999), used for alias
            • emailAlias - optional; type EmailAliasType - type string with restriction minLength(5) maxLength(100) pattern([^@]+@[^\.]+\..+)
              A valid email address, used for alias
            • name - optional; type FullNameType
              The name used to search for receiver to get efaktura identifier.
              Both elements must match those registered on the receiver
              • firstName - optional; type NameType - type string with restriction maxLength(100) minLength(1)
                Name of the issuer
              • lastName type NameType - type string with restriction maxLength(100) minLength(1)
                Name of the issuer
            • address - optional; type AddressType
              The address used to search for receiver to get efaktura identifier.
              All elements must match those registered on the receiver
              • addressLine1 - optional; type AddressLineType - type string with restriction maxLength(50)
                Street, postal or other address
              • addressLine2 - optional; type AddressLineType - type string with restriction maxLength(50)
                Street, postal or other address
              • postalCode type PostalCodeType - type string with restriction maxLength(10) minLength(4)
                The postal code of the address of the issuer
              • city type PostalCityType - type string with restriction maxLength(30) minLength(1)
                The postal city of the address of the issuer
              • countryCode - optional; type CountryCodeType - type string with restriction maxLength(2) minLength(2)
                The country code of the issuer
            • invoiceIssuer - optional; type OrganizationNumberType - type string with restriction maxLength(9) minLength(9)
              Organization number of the issuer
            • dateOfBirth - optional; type date
          • issuerResponse - optional; type InvoiceIssuerResponseType
            The result of issuer lookup in the getEfakturaIdentifier call. It returns if
            issuer is blocked by receiver, issuer has efaktura agreement with receiver,
            and if found a valid efaktura-referanse is returned
            • blockedByReceiver type boolean
            • hasEfakturaAgreement type boolean
            • efakturaReferences - optional, unbounded; type EFakturaReferenceType - type string with restriction maxLength(32)
              The customer agreement reference (eFakturareferanse) of the receiver,
              used in the agreement between invoice issuer and receiver (JTTB)
      validationFault (soap:fault, use = literal)Source code
      validationFault type ValidationFault
      Indicates that the client has sent an invalid request.
      • errorCode type ErrorCodeType - type int with restriction minInclusive(5000) maxExclusive(5999)
      • messageIdentifier type MessageIdentifierType - type string with restriction minLength(5) maxLength(50)
        A unique identifier for a request/response message pair used for logging
      serverFault (soap:fault, use = literal)Source code
      serverFault type ServerFault
      Indicates an internal server error.
      • messageIdentifier type MessageIdentifierType - type string with restriction minLength(5) maxLength(50)
        A unique identifier for a request/response message pair used for logging
    8. getInvoiceStatus
      Gets an already created invoice
      Operation type:
      Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.
      SOAP action:
      getInvoiceStatus (soap:body, use = literal)Source code
      getInvoiceStatus type GetInvoiceStatus
      • auditInformation type AuditInformationType
        Information used for auditing and logging messages
        • messageIdentifier type MessageIdentifierType - type string with restriction minLength(5) maxLength(50)
          A unique identifier for a request/response message pair used for logging
      • getInvoiceStatuses type GetInvoiceStatusesType
        List of invoices, to get status for
        • getInvoiceStatus type GetInvoiceStatusType
          • issuer type OrganizationNumberType - type string with restriction maxLength(9) minLength(9)
            Organization number of the issuer
          • invoiceNumber type InvoiceNumberType - type string with restriction maxLength(100) minLength(1)
            Unique reference to the invoice for the issuer.
      getInvoiceStatusResponse (soap:body, use = literal)Source code
      getInvoiceStatusResponse type GetInvoiceStatusResponse
      • messageIdentifier type MessageIdentifierType - type string with restriction minLength(5) maxLength(50)
        A unique identifier for a request/response message pair used for logging
      • invoiceStatusResponses type InvoiceStatusResponsesType
        List of invoices, with status
        • invoiceStatusResponse type InvoiceStatusResponseType
          • issuer type OrganizationNumberType - type string with restriction maxLength(9) minLength(9)
            Organization number of the issuer
          • invoiceNumber type InvoiceNumberType - type string with restriction maxLength(100) minLength(1)
            Unique reference to the invoice for the issuer.
          • status type InvoiceStatusType - type string with restriction - enum { 'PROCESSED', 'REJECTED', 'IN_PROGRESS', 'DUPLICATE', 'NOT_FOUND', 'CANCELLED' }
          • rejectReason - optional; type RejectReasonType - type string with restriction maxLength(2000) minLength(1)
            The reason the invoice or consignment was rejected.
      validationFault (soap:fault, use = literal)Source code
      validationFault type ValidationFault
      Indicates that the client has sent an invalid request.
      • errorCode type ErrorCodeType - type int with restriction minInclusive(5000) maxExclusive(5999)
      • messageIdentifier type MessageIdentifierType - type string with restriction minLength(5) maxLength(50)
        A unique identifier for a request/response message pair used for logging
      serverFault (soap:fault, use = literal)Source code
      serverFault type ServerFault
      Indicates an internal server error.
      • messageIdentifier type MessageIdentifierType - type string with restriction minLength(5) maxLength(50)
        A unique identifier for a request/response message pair used for logging
    9. getIssuer
      Get the issuer with the given issuer id
      Operation type:
      Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.
      SOAP action:
      getIssuer (soap:body, use = literal)Source code
      getIssuer type GetIssuer
      Possible error codes:
      5002: Issuer does not exist or user is not authorized to view information about this issuer.
      • auditInformation type AuditInformationType
        Information used for auditing and logging messages
        • messageIdentifier type MessageIdentifierType - type string with restriction minLength(5) maxLength(50)
          A unique identifier for a request/response message pair used for logging
      • issuerId type OrganizationNumberType - type string with restriction maxLength(9) minLength(9)
        Organization number of the issuer
      getIssuerResponse (soap:body, use = literal)Source code
      getIssuerResponse type GetIssuerResponse
      • messageIdentifier type MessageIdentifierType - type string with restriction minLength(5) maxLength(50)
        A unique identifier for a request/response message pair used for logging
      • issuer type IssuerType
        • name type NameType - type string with restriction maxLength(100) minLength(1)
          Name of the issuer
        • organizationNumber type OrganizationNumberType - type string with restriction maxLength(9) minLength(9)
          Organization number of the issuer
        • billingAccountNumber - optional; type BillingAccountNumberType - type string with restriction length(11)
          The account number that the issuer will be billed on. Must be a Norwegian account number with 11 digits
        • emailAddress - optional; type EmailAddressType - type string with restriction maxLength(255) minLength(1)
          The email address of the issuer
        • postalCode - optional; type PostalCodeType - type string with restriction maxLength(10) minLength(4)
          The postal code of the address of the issuer
        • postalCity - optional; type PostalCityType - type string with restriction maxLength(30) minLength(1)
          The postal city of the address of the issuer
        • countryCode - optional; type CountryCodeType - type string with restriction maxLength(2) minLength(2)
          The country code of the issuer
        • status - optional; type StatusType - type string with restriction - enum { 'ACTIVE', 'DELETED', 'INACTIVE', 'PENDING', 'ACTIVE', 'INVALID' }
          The status of the issuer
        • brandAgreements - optional;
          • brandAgreement - optional, unbounded; type BrandAgreementRuleWithNumberType
            • brandUniqueNumber - optional; type BrandUniqueNumberType - type long with restriction
              Unique brand agreement rule number generated by Nets. To be used for deleteBrandAgreementRule
            • accountNumber type BillingAccountNumberType - type string with restriction length(11)
              The account number that the issuer will be billed on. Must be a Norwegian account number with 11 digits
            • customerIdentificationRule type CustomerIdentificationRuleType - type string with restriction maxLength(70) minLength(1)
              The length of the KID
            • customerReferencePosition type CustomerReferencePositionType - type string with restriction maxLength(12) minLength(1)
              Where in the KID is the eInvoice reference is located ( ex: KID[1-5] )
      validationFault (soap:fault, use = literal)Source code
      validationFault type ValidationFault
      Indicates that the client has sent an invalid request.
      • errorCode type ErrorCodeType - type int with restriction minInclusive(5000) maxExclusive(5999)
      • messageIdentifier type MessageIdentifierType - type string with restriction minLength(5) maxLength(50)
        A unique identifier for a request/response message pair used for logging
      serverFault (soap:fault, use = literal)Source code
      serverFault type ServerFault
      Indicates an internal server error.
      • messageIdentifier type MessageIdentifierType - type string with restriction minLength(5) maxLength(50)
        A unique identifier for a request/response message pair used for logging

WSDL source code

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="wsdl-viewer.xsl" ?>
<wsdl:definitions name="invoicing-erp" targetNamespace="https://efaktura-services.nets.no/invoicing-erp/v2/"
<xsd:schema targetNamespace="https://efaktura-services.nets.no/invoicing-erp/v2/">
<xsd:simpleType name="PostalCodeType">
<xsd:documentation>The postal code of the address of the issuer</xsd:documentation>
<xsd:simpleType name="PostalCityType">
<xsd:documentation>The postal city of the address of the issuer</xsd:documentation>
<xsd:simpleType name="BillingAccountNumberType">
<xsd:documentation>The account number that the issuer will be billed on. Must be a Norwegian account number with 11 digits</xsd:documentation>
<xsd:simpleType name="CustomerReferencePositionType">
<xsd:documentation>Where in the KID is the eInvoice reference is located ( ex: KID[1-5] )</xsd:documentation>
<xsd:simpleType name="BrandUniqueNumberType">
<xsd:documentation>Unique brand agreement rule number generated by Nets. To be used for deleteBrandAgreementRule</xsd:documentation>
<xsd:simpleType name="MessageIdentifierType">
<xsd:documentation>A unique identifier for a request/response message pair used for logging</xsd:documentation>
<xsd:simpleType name="RejectReasonType">
<xsd:documentation>The reason the invoice or consignment was rejected. </xsd:documentation>
<xsd:complexType name="AuditInformationType">
<xsd:documentation>Information used for auditing and logging messages</xsd:documentation>
<xsd:element name="GetIssuer">
<xsd:documentation> Possible error codes: 5002: Issuer does not exist or user is not authorized to view information about this issuer. </xsd:documentation>
<xsd:element name="DeleteIssuer">
<xsd:documentation> Possible error codes: 5002: Issuer does not exist or user is not authorized to view information about this issuer. </xsd:documentation>
<xsd:element name="AddBrandAgreementRule">
<xsd:documentation> Possible error codes: 5002: Issuer does not exist or user is not authorized to view information about this issuer. 5006: Invalid billing account number. Must be a Norwegian account number with 11 digits and modulus 11 valid. 5007: Invalid CustomerReferencePosition. Must be on the format KID[digit-digit]. 5008: Brand agreement rule already exists. </xsd:documentation>
<xsd:element name="DeleteBrandAgreementRule">
<xsd:documentation> Possible error codes: 5002: Issuer does not exist or user is not authorized to view information about this issuer. 5011: Unable to delete brand agreement rule. It does not exist or is already deleted </xsd:documentation>
<xsd:simpleType name="EfakturaIdentifierResultType">
<xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
<xsd:enumeration value="UNIQUE_RECEIVER_FOUND">
<xsd:documentation>The invoice receiver is found in the receiver register </xsd:documentation>
<xsd:enumeration value="RECEIVER_NOT_FOUND">
<xsd:documentation>The invoice receiver is not found in the receiver register </xsd:documentation>
<xsd:enumeration value="LOOKUP_KEY_MISSING_DATA">
<xsd:documentation>Missing input data on lookup key </xsd:documentation>
<xsd:enumeration value="MULTIPLE_RECEIVERS">
<xsd:documentation>Multiple receivers found for the given details. More info is needed to find an exact match. </xsd:documentation>
<xsd:simpleType name="EfakturaIdentifierType">
<xsd:documentation>The efakturaIdentifier of the receiver, the unique efaktura address for this receiver </xsd:documentation>
<xsd:simpleType name="EFakturaReferenceType">
<xsd:documentation>The customer agreement reference (eFakturareferanse) of the receiver, used in the agreement between invoice issuer and receiver (JTTB) </xsd:documentation>
<xsd:complexType name="InvoiceIssuerResponseType">
<xsd:documentation>The result of issuer lookup in the getEfakturaIdentifier call. It returns if issuer is blocked by receiver, issuer has efaktura agreement with receiver, and if found a valid efaktura-referanse is returned </xsd:documentation>
<xsd:simpleType name="TelephoneAliasType">
<xsd:documentation>A valid phone number, prefixed with country code (i.e. +4799999999), used for alias </xsd:documentation>
<xsd:complexType name="FullNameType">
<xsd:documentation>The name used to search for receiver to get efaktura identifier. Both elements must match those registered on the receiver </xsd:documentation>
<xsd:simpleType name="AddressLineType">
<xsd:documentation>Street, postal or other address </xsd:documentation>
<xsd:complexType name="EfakturaIdentifiersKeyType">
<xsd:documentation>Contains a set of keys used to search for a unique receiver to get the efaktura identifier </xsd:documentation>
<xsd:element name="GetConsignmentStatus">
<xsd:documentation> Possible validation error codes from operation 5009 - Unable to find consignment 5010 - Multiple consignments found for id </xsd:documentation>
<xsd:simpleType name="ConsignmentStatusType">
<xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
<xsd:enumeration value="IN_PROGRESS">
<xsd:documentation>Processing of the consignment is in progress </xsd:documentation>
<xsd:enumeration value="PROCESSED">
<xsd:documentation>Processing of the consignment is finished </xsd:documentation>
<xsd:enumeration value="REJECTED">
<xsd:documentation>The whole consignment is rejected </xsd:documentation>
<xsd:enumeration value="STOPPED">
<xsd:documentation>Consignment is stopped by operator </xsd:documentation>
<xsd:simpleType name="documentType">
<xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
<xsd:enumeration value="EFAKTURA">
<xsd:documentation>Document type of efaktura</xsd:documentation>
<xsd:enumeration value="AVTALEGIRO">
<xsd:documentation>Document type of AvtaleGiro</xsd:documentation>
<xsd:simpleType name="Pdf">
<xsd:documentation>PDF representation of the invoice</xsd:documentation>
<xsd:simpleType name="SimpleAmountType">
<xsd:documentation>The amount represented as a number with two decimals. Must not be negative </xsd:documentation>
<xsd:simpleType name="xml">
<xsd:documentation>Base64 encoded EHF file. Must contain a unique invoice number</xsd:documentation>
<xsd:simpleType name="InvoiceNumberType">
<xsd:documentation>Unique reference to the invoice for the issuer.</xsd:documentation>
<xsd:simpleType name="CustomerAgreementReferenceType">
<xsd:documentation>The customer agreement reference between issuer and receiver. </xsd:documentation>
<xsd:simpleType name="InvoiceCountType">
<xsd:documentation>The number of invoices received </xsd:documentation>
<xsd:simpleType name="InvoiceStatusType">
<xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
<xsd:enumeration value="PROCESSED">
<xsd:documentation>The invoice is processed successfully </xsd:documentation>
<xsd:enumeration value="REJECTED">
<xsd:documentation>The invoice is rejected </xsd:documentation>
<xsd:enumeration value="IN_PROGRESS">
<xsd:documentation>The invoice processing is in progress </xsd:documentation>
<xsd:enumeration value="DUPLICATE">
<xsd:documentation>The invoice number is a duplicate </xsd:documentation>
<xsd:enumeration value="NOT_FOUND">
<xsd:documentation>The invoice is not found </xsd:documentation>
<xsd:enumeration value="CANCELLED">
<xsd:documentation>The invoice is cancelled </xsd:documentation>
<xsd:element name="ServerFault">
<xsd:documentation> Indicates an internal server error. </xsd:documentation>
<wsdl:portType name="EfakturaErpPortType">
<wsdl:operation name="getEfakturaIdentifiers">
<wsdl:documentation>Returns efakturaIdentifier and auto accept agreement if the receiver is found by efaktura identifier, personalnumber, organization number, phone, email, name, or address. </wsdl:documentation>
<wsdl:binding name="EfakturaErpSoapBinding" type="tns:EfakturaErpPortType"></wsdl:binding>